We do a once-a-month purchase of feed for our members (and others who were
grandfathered into the program before March 1, 2015).
Procedure for Ordering Feed:
Orders can only be made through the form below or by email:
Orders may be made as early as the 21st of the preceding month but must be made no later than midnight of the 5th. Late orders will not be processed. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to call the Seed Factory for a Fort Sutter order.
Email orders must include these three things for each item ordered (see
the master list below):-
The item number.
A brief description and
The number of units being ordered.
​Orders without this information will not be processed.
A new order must be placed each month. We will not be having any
standing orders. -
The email address for orders is: fortsutterfeed@gmail.com
The email server should send you a confirmation email that indicates
we received your order. -
For orders made with the order form below:
Type your name and email on the empty boxes
Copy the items from the list below and paste them into the order box. Ensure that the order number, item name, and quantity you'd like to order are typed.
Scroll down and click the button that says Send. If you don't press send, the order will not be processed. Make sure that you press send.​​
2. Feed pick up will be the Third Tuesday of the month.
Feed must be picked up on this day (we don't have room to store it)​
Feed will be available at the clubhouse from 9am to 11am and 5pm to 6pm.
Feed must be paid for (check or cash) when picked up. No exceptions.
You are responsible for loading your feed. The club is not staffing people for loading. It works pretty well if everyone pitches in and helps two or three other people load their orders.
3. Anyone placing a feed order will be required to donate four (4) hours of service annually or $100. The service hours will be scheduled to assist in the labor associated with the feed service.​